

2015年11月15日 星期日


【水鏡回天錄白話解 】
Xizhang Jiang
宣化上人講述於一九八八年二月十九日金山寺 Composed by the Venerable Master Hua on February 19, 1988, at Gold Mountain Monastery
國際譯經學院記錄  Translated by the International Translation Institute
在中國五千多年的歷史裡邊,有很多聖人出現於世,也有很多賢人出現於 世,也有很多的聰明人,很多有智慧的人。可是,聰明的人有的時候,就不注重道德;又聰明,又有智慧,又注重道德,能以提倡根本做人的方法,這是很稀有的。 孟子說過:「五百年必有王者興,其間必有名世者。」在中國這個國家,從古以來所注重的,就是道德。人和畜生不同的地方,也就因為人有一種美德,懂得道理; 這個畜生雖然也有血有氣,可是牠不懂得道德的觀念,不懂得在人格道德上來用功夫。
在近代,山東出了一個江神童,叫江希張。他父親希望他像張載那麼樣子, 張載字橫渠,所以他的字就叫慕渠。今天我們周老師講過,是他父母祈禱泰山,生了這個江希張。江希張一生來,生具異稟。什麼叫異稟呢?異稟,就是和一般的小 孩子不一樣,得天獨厚,一生來就與眾不同。有什麼不同法呢?他能過目不忘。耳也聰明,目也聰明,耳目都聰明,歷耳就永記,無論什麼事情一歷他的耳根就不會 再忘了,所以他過目成誦,歷耳不忘,有這種的異稟。這種異稟,所以他在三歲就能寫文章,五歲就能作很好的詩,在九歲的時候,就著《四書白話解》,所以他這 個聰明智慧是超過一般人。
他也寫過一部書叫《大千圖說》,就是和佛經上所說的那個三千大千世界是 一樣的,有種種的星球。以他這個年輕的小孩子,居然寫出來的文章和佛經上的相吻合,所以這個神童的確是不凡的。
那麼他又著過《息戰論》,他曾經這樣說過:我們大家要小心,這個世界進 化,要有道德;如果沒有道德,只注重進化科學和化學發達,而不注重道德,將來這個人類都會進到槍林彈雨裡頭去,都會進到大砲的筒裡邊去,都被砲彈給吃了。 所以他說這個進化,如果沒有道德,就等於進毒一樣的,危害社會人群,勝於洪水猛獸,比洪水猛獸還厲害。所以他有這種遠見,有這種的智慧,在很年輕的時候就 有這種看法,所以我們今天這個偈誦稱他為「幼龍」。
我們中國的老子,孔子稱他為「猶龍」。那麼這個江神童,他是年紀輕的, 我們叫幼,是一個很年輕的龍,可是年輕的龍和老龍比較起來,更有力量。他把老子的《道德經》用白話給它解釋過,《四書》也都用白話解釋過,所以他是不愧怍 「為往聖繼絕學」這種的志願。
在他六歲的時候,就有慕名的學者來訪他,和他談論之下,就問他志願,將 來願意做什麼?他在當時就說了,他說他願意:
「為天地立心」:為天地建立起天地的這個心,天地的心是什麼呢?就是有 好生之德。天地有好生之德,人人不殺生,這就是為天地立心。
「為民物立命」:他願意為老百姓,為一切的物立命,給他們都有相當的保 護,保護這一切的人類和物類,保護他們。立命,他們的命都立得住,不奪他們的生命。
「為往聖繼絕學」:當時聖人所留下的經典,一般的學校都廢除了,不讀這 個經書了,所以他說為往聖繼絕學,為往聖把已經斷絕的這個絕學,再把它繼續起來,這是一個講法。又可以為往聖把這個絕無僅有的這種的學問,把它繼續繼續, 永遠不斷。不要把古聖先賢這個諸子百家所立的這一些個經典斷絕了。
「為萬世開太平」:他願意令萬世都成大同世界,沒有戰爭。太平就是沒有 戰爭,沒有戰爭就是太平。所以這個世界人類如果有戰爭,這是最痛苦的。你看看,日本打中國,把中國的人殺得……,殺人如麻;日本之後,又有這個國共,自相 殘殺,也是死人無量。那麼一有戰爭了,這個人類就是痛苦到極點了,就好像洪水猛獸一樣的,殺人不知多少,生命財產的損失也不知多少。
那麼等到他十二歲的時候,他父親和他在濟南成立「萬國道德會」,這是在 一九一八年的時候,他成立道德會籌備處。等到一九二六年的時候,他到西歐去訪問回國,又召開代表大會,提出來四大目標。道德會四大目標是什麼呢?就是「改 建社會」:改建一個良好的社會,令人類都和平共處。「締造大同」:為什麼要成立道德會呢?道德會希望人心都向善,改惡向善,締造成這個大同世界。「促世界 之進化」:他講世界進化,怎麼進化呢?就是由道德來幫助,用這個道德來幫助世界進化。「謀人群之幸福」:謀一切人群的幸福。又他以「利民生」:對一般老百 姓的生活要改善,要有利。「啟民智」:開發老百姓的智慧。「敦民德」:叫老百姓都注重這個基本的道德,注重人格。為道德會的宗旨。
在一九二八年的時候,他又請東北熱河省朝陽縣王老善人鳳儀先生,參加道 德會,就把這個道統交給王老善人,說:「東北方面,你要在那邊負責任,共同合作。」以後道德會的分會就成立很多,遍布到華北和東北各處。用這個道德會來挽 救人心向善。
當時東北道德會有四級的制度,在東北那時候是日本成立滿洲帝國,偽滿的 時候。那麼這個道德會的制度呢?就是有總會,在首都長春;有總分會,就是各省裡都立總分會;在各縣就是分會;在各街市比較大的地方就支會。總會、總分會、 分會、支會,這四級制度。所以當時提倡婦女道德,提倡家庭和樂,對於東北的社會風氣很有大的幫助。這個道德會在東北,女子義學就有八百多處。
明天就會講這個張雅軒,張雅軒以前是一個又賭又歡喜吃喝。賭,專門騙人 的,作馬販子的,他這個馬販子專門把老馬的牙給都磨平了,又用那個銼把馬的牙又給做得尖了,將老馬當年輕馬來賣,所以就賺了很多錢。以後,就遇到這個王鳳 儀,給他說明白了,他改過自新,把所有的產業都拿出來辦學校,作善事。這一作善事,怎麼樣啊?他有兩個兒子就都死了,他自己也明白,他說:「我這兩個兒子 是我造孽的時候生的,這個都是來討債的,現在因為我作善事,所以這兩個孽子又都被天給收回去了,將來會來好的。」果然,以後又有一個兒子,是非常好的。這 張雅軒是王鳳儀第一個助手,第一個大的信徒。
鍾靈毓秀 名山大川 
山東孔孟 至聖群賢 
歷城神童 志挽狂瀾 
推崇五教 提倡佛仙
「鍾靈毓秀」:這是說山東那個地方,是出聖人的地方,像孔子、孟子,很 多的聖人都出在山東。山東這個地,是人傑地靈一個地方。那麼有泰山,又有濟水,所以是「名山大川」:名山,是泰山;大川,就是濟水。
「山東孔孟」:孔子、孟子都生在山東這個地方,所以「至聖群賢」:這個 成為至聖孔孟。孔子,孔聖先師;那麼孔子的弟子呢,深通六藝的有七十二個賢人。
「歷城神童」:現在這個歷城縣又生了一個江神童。這江神童雖然年紀輕, 但是他志願很大的。「志挽狂瀾」:他挽救這個世界的頹風,他怎麼樣呢?
「推崇五教」:他提倡「孔、老、佛、耶、回」這五教。本來他想造一個地 方,是有孔子,有老子,有佛教,有耶穌……,可是也沒有滿他的願。那麼他推崇這五教,說:五教的教主,這個聖人所提倡的教義,對人類都有大的幫助,能糾正 人心,改變社會的壞風氣。「提倡佛仙」:他提倡這個佛教,也提倡這個道教;他很努力的。
聰明睿智江神童 末運苦海作明燈
振臂高呼挽劫數 志心禱告救含靈
五教昌明大同現 萬德開發共弭兵
幼龍變化深莫測 中華國粹代代興
「聰明睿智江神童」:這個江神童一生來就非常聰明,非常有智慧;聰明睿 智江神童。「末運苦海作明燈」:在這個世風不古、道德淪亡的時候,他生出在這個世界的末運,這個人心最壞的時候,在這個苦海裡頭好像一個燈塔似的,是一盞 明燈。
「振臂高呼挽劫數」:他大聲疾呼,對大家說:「你不要把道德忘了,不要 盡掛著科學、哲學進步。你若盡講科學、哲學,不講道德,將來把人類都進到槍林彈雨那個炮彈肚子裡頭去,被大炮、飛機、炸彈都把人類毀滅了。」他是這麼說。 所以他說:「鐵路輪船遍五洲」,鐵路、輪船,五大洲都有了。「天叫學子再周遊」,這次我來,是天主的意思,是佛的意思,是聖人的意思。「耶回道佛同開 化」,這五大教都要開化了。「魯雨鄒風滿地球」,魯,就是孔子生出來的地方;魯雨,是魯國的雨,魯國的雨就是這個孔子在魯國行教化。鄒,鄒風,就是孟子生 的地方,那麼孟子在這個世界上,就像魯雨鄒風滿地球,到處都是聖人的教化,遍於全世界。由江神童他說這個話,說我們希望將來這個世界,孔孟的道傳到整個全 世界去。所以他振臂高呼挽劫數,「志心禱告救含靈」:救所有的含靈。
「五教昌明大同現」:五教若昌明了,大同就實現了,到世界來了。「萬德 開發共弭兵」:大家都息戰了,沒有戰爭了。
「幼龍變化深莫測」:這條龍雖然很年輕,他的變化、他的智慧和這個思 想,變化深莫測,很高深莫測的。「中華國粹代代興」:那麼在中國每一個朝代,都有每一個朝代的特殊的,這出乎其類拔乎其萃的這樣人物出現於世。
所以,我們在這個時代,能有這樣的江神童出世,也是世界人類的幸福。我 們大家不要忽略這件事情。

In the more than five thousand years of Chinese history, many sages have made their appearance, as well as many worthy people, intelligent people, and wise people. However, intelligent people are not always virtuous. People who possess intelligence and wisdom as well as virtue, who are able to advocate the fundamental principles of human morality, are very rare. Mencius said, “Every five hundred years, there shall arise a truly wise emperor. And at the same time with the sovereign shall arise men illustrious in their generation to assist him.” In China, virtue has been emphasized since ancient times. It is the human capacity to understand principles and to be virtuous that distinguishes people from animals. Animals have blood and breath, but they have no concept of virtue. They do not know enough to aspire to lofty character and virtue.
Xizhang Jiang was a child prodigy born in Shandong province in recent times. His father hoped that his son would be like Zhang Zai, whose other name was Hengqu, so he named him Muju (“admirer of Qu”). Today, Mr. Zhou told us that Xizhang Jiang was born after his parents had prayed to Mount Tai [for a son]. He was exceptionally gifted. He was different from other children. He was a naturally gifted and outstanding child from the time he was born. In what way? He had a photographic memory. His faculties of hearing and seeing were very keen. He never forgot anything he heard or read. He retained anything that passed through his ears and could recite from memory anything that passed before his eyes. That’s the kind of special gift he had. Therefore, he could write compositions at the age of three and compose excellent poems at five. When he was nine, he wrote the Explanation of the Four Books in Colloquial Chinese. He surpassed ordinary people in wisdom and intelligence.
He also wrote a book called The Chart of the Great Thousand, which discussed various stars and constellations. The ideas in his book coincided with the concept of the trichiliocosm spoken of in Buddhist Sutras. That he was able to write something that agreed with the Buddhist Sutras proves that he was certainly an extraordinary child prodigy.
He also wrote a book called Treatise on Ending War, in which he said, “We should all be cautious. The evolution of the world must be accompanied by virtue. If we emphasize the development of science, but pay no attention to virtue, the human race will be overwhelmed by weaponry and bombs. We will end up as cannonfodder and be devoured by cannonballs.” He said that if we do not use virtue to guide the evolution of the world, we will basically be poisoning ourselves; the lack of virtue is a greater menace to society than a flood or ferocious beasts. He had such great foresight and wisdom even at such a young age. Thus he is dubbed the “young dragon” in the verse below.
In China Laozi was called “Dragon-like” (you long) by Confucius. This child prodigy was very young, so he is called “Young Dragon” (you long). A young dragon is more powerful than an old dragon. He explained Laozi’s Daodejing (Book of Virtue) as well as the classic Four Books in colloquial Chinese. He lived up to his resolve of “carrying on the lost teachings of the ancient sages.”
By the time he was six, he already had admirers. A scholar who admired him came to visit him and inquired about his resolve, about what he wanted to do in the future. He said:
“I want to establish the will of heaven and earth.” What is the will of heaven and earth? Heaven and earth have the virtue of cherishing life. If everyone refrains from taking life, then the will of heaven and earth will be established.
He also wanted to “to protect the lives of all people and creatures.” He wished to protect all beings so that they would be able to live safely and not be in danger of losing their lives.
He also wished “to carry on the lost teachings of the ancient sages.” In his time, the schools had done away with the books of the sages. The ancient classics were no longer studied. Xizhang Jiang wanted to revive the forgotten teachings of the sages of old. That’s one way of explaining it. We can also say that he wanted to perpetuate the rare teachings of the sages so that they would never be lost. He hoped to keep the books written by the ancient sages, worthies, and philosophers from becoming extinct.
He also wanted “to create a world of great peace for ten thousand generations to come.” He wished to create a great commonwealth lasting for tens of thousands of generations, a world of harmony and equality in which wars did not exist. Peace is simply the absence of war. War inflicts the greatest suffering on mankind. For example, when Japan invaded China, they killed as many Chinese people as there are sesame seeds. Afterwards, there was a civil war between the Nationalists and Communists which resulted in countless deaths. Whenever there is war, human beings undergo extreme suffering. Like floods and wild beasts, wars cause losses of life and property that are beyond reckoning.
Those were his four resolves.
In 1918 when he was twelve, he and his father went to Jinan in Shandong Province and set up a preliminary office for the International Virtue Society. In 1926, when he came back from a trip to western Europe, he called a meeting of representatives and set forth four main goals for the International Virtue Society. They were: “to reform society, to create universal brotherhood, to encourage progress in the world, and to work for the well-being of mankind.” He wanted to bring about a wholesome society in which people could live together in peace. The aim of the Virtue Society was to influence people to have wholesome minds and to reform themselves, so that harmony and justice could prevail in the world. He also wanted to promote progress in the world by means of virtue. Finally, he wished to create blessings and prosperity for mankind. 
He further set forth the following objectives for the Virtue Society: “to benefit the people, to inspire their wisdom, and to encourage them to be virtuous.” He wanted to improve people’s lives, to help them bring forth their wisdom, and to urge them to pay attention to basic moral values and to integrity. 
In 1928, he invited the elder Good Man Fengyi Wang of Chaoyang County, Rehe Province, Manchuria, to join the Society. He relayed the principles of the Society to Good Man Wang and told him, “You shall be responsible for the Manchuria area.” They worked hand in hand. Later, many branch offices of the Society were established throughout northern China and Manchuria. Through the Virtue Society, they influenced people to become good.
The Virtue Society of Manchuria was administered at four levels. At that time the Japanese were occupying Manchuria and had established the puppet state of Manchukuo. The four-level administration of the Virtue Society was comprised of a headquarters in the capital of Changchun and branch offices at the provincial, county, and city levels. The organization exerted a wholesome influence on Manchurian social trends by advocating women’s ethics and harmony within families. The Society had over eight hundred locations in Manchuria alone which provided free education for women.
Tomorrow we will talk about a person named Yaxuan Zhang. He was a hustler who liked to drink, eat, and gamble. As a horse dealer, he would grind down the teeth of old horses and then sharpen them with a chisel, so that he could pass them off as young horses and sell them for a lot of money. Later, he met Good Man Wang, who was able to talk some sense into him. Yaxuan Zhang understood and changed. He donated all his wealth to set up schools and do good deeds. What happened after he started doing good deeds? His two sons died. He understood. He said, “These two boys were born when I was doing evil deeds. They came to collect debts. Now since I have begun doing good deeds, Heaven has called them back. A good one will come in the future.” Sure enough, he had another son later on who was very good. Yaxuan Zhang was Good Man Wang’s best helper and follower.
Now let’s come back to Xizhang Jiang.
A verse in praise says:
The subtle energy of nature converges to nurture geniuses
Amidst renowned mountains and mighty rivers.
Shandong produced Confucius and Mencius,
The foremost sage and the multitude of worthy ones.
The child prodigy of Licheng County
Resolved to save the world from the wild deluge.
He promoted the five religions and
Propagated the teachings of the Buddha and immortals.
The subtle energy of nature converges to nurture geniuses. Shandong has produced many sages, such as Confucius and Mencius. In Shandong the land is inspiring and the people are outstanding. Amidst renowned mountains and mighty rivers. This refers to Mount Tai and to the Ji River. 
Shandong produced Confucius and Mencius. Both of them were born in Shandong. The foremost sages and the multitude of worthy ones. Confucius and Mencius were the greatest sages. Among Confucius’ disciples, there were seventy-two worthies who had mastered the six arts.
The child prodigy of Licheng County / Resolved to save the world from the wild deluge. Xizhang Jiang was born in Licheng, and despite his young age, he had a great resolve. He wanted to save the world from the trends of corruption. What did he do? 
He promoted the five religions and / Propagated the teachings of the Buddha and immortals. He promoted the five religions of Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam. He had wanted to build a place where all five religions could converge together, but in the end he did not succeed in carrying out his idea. He said that the principles advocated by the sages who had founded the five religions were of great benefit to mankind; they could rectify people’s minds and reform decadent social trends. He zealously advocated Buddhism as well as Taoism.
Another verse says:
Jiang was a child prodigy of intelligence and keen wisdom,
A bright lamp in the bitter sea during times of decline.
Raising his hands and calling out to reverse the calamitous fate,
He resolutely prayed for the salvation of living creatures.
When the five religions flourish, universal brotherhood will appear.
The Virtue Society’s development led to a truce.
Unfathomabla are the young dragon’s transformations.
Outstanding individuals appear in dynasty after dynastyin China.
Jiang was a child prodigy of intelligence and keen wisdom. He was endowed with great intelligence and wisdom from birth. A bright lamp in the bitter sea during times of decline. He came to this world during a time when the world has forgotten the ancient customs and lost its moral values. During these times of decline, when people’s hearts are extremely evil, he was like a bright light shining from a lighthouse in the sea of suffering. 
Raising his hands and calling out to reverse the calamitous fate. He called out to everyone, saying, “Don’t forget virtue! Don’t get so caught up in the progress of science and philosophy that you overlook virtue. If you do, the human race will end up as cannonfodder; mankind will be destroyed by cannonballs, airplanes, and bombs.” 
That’s why he said, Railroads and steamships pervade the five continents. They are found throughout the five continents. Heaven has told this student to come and roam through the world again. The Heavenly Lord, the Buddha, and the sages commanded me to come. Christianity, Islam, Taoism, and Buddhism develop hand in hand. The five major religions will all develop. The rain of Lu and the wind of Zhou cover the earth. Confucius was born in the state of Lu, and the rain of Lu indicates that he spent most of his time teaching there. Mencius grew up in the state of Zhou, and so the wind of Zhou refers to the teachings of Mencius. When Confucius and Mencius were alive, the rain of Lu and the wind of Zhou pervaded the earth; the sages’ teachings prevailed throughout the world. The child prodigy Jiang spoke these words hoping that the teachings of Confucius and Mencius would become globally known. He resolutely prayed for the salvation of living creatures. He wished to rescue all beings.
When the five religions flourish, universal brotherhood will appear. If the five religions prosper, then the world will realize a state of great harmony and equality. The Virtue Society’s development led to a truce. It helped people to reach a truce and put an end to wars.
Unfathomabla are the young dragon’s transformations. Although the dragon was very young, his transformations—his wisdom and ideas—were unfathomably lofty and profound. Outstanding individuals appear in dynasty after dynasty in China. Extraordinary figures have lived in every dynasty of China.
In our present time, humankind has been blessed with the appearance of the child prodigy Jiang. We should not overlook this.
